Getting a "Little Up in the Years"?
Due to improved veterinary care and dietary habits, pets are living longer now than they ever have before. One consequence of this is that pets, along with their owners and veterinarians, are faced with a whole new set of age-related conditions.
In recent years there has been extensive research on the problems facing older pets and how their owners and veterinarians can best handle their special needs.
When does a pet become old?
It varies, but cats and small dogs are generally considered geriatric at the age of 7. Larger breed dogs tend to have shorter life spans and are considered geriatric when they are approximately 6 years of age.
Owners tend to want to think of their pet's age in human terms.
While it is not as simple as "1 human year = X cat/dog years", there are calculations that can help put a pet's age in human terms.
See the chart to the right.
What kind of problems can I expect?
​There are a number of issues you can expect. The list below shows the common eight problems that pet owners experience:
heart disease
kidney/urinary tract disease
liver disease
joint or bone disease
What kind of behavioral changes can I expect?
Before any medical signs become apparent, behavioral changes can serve as important indicators that something is changing in an older pet.
As your pet's owner, you serve a critical role in detecting early signs of disease because you interact and care for your pet on a daily basis and are familiar with your pet's behavior and routines.
If your pet is showing any change in behavior or other warning signs of disease, contact us at Pet Care. We can talk about the changes you have observed.
Increased reaction to sounds
Increased vocalization
Decreased interaction w/humans
Increased irritability
Decreased response to commands
Increased aggressive/protective behavior
Increased anxiety
House soiling
Decreased self-hygiene/grooming
Repetitive activity
Increased wandering
Change in sleep cycles
What is senility?
Senility in older animals means experiencing cognitive dysfunction or "brain fog". This "fog" is exhibited with loss of intellectual functions such as thinking, remembering, and reasoning that interferes with daily functioning.
Studies conducted in the early 1990s were the first to identify brain changes in older dogs that were similar to brain changes seen in humans with Alzheimer's disease.
Recent studies have been started on younger dogs in order to fully understand the effect of aging on the canine brain. Similar studies in young and older cats are also ongoing.
While researchers are still not able to identify any genetic cause of why certain animals develop cognitive dysfunction, there are drugs and specific diets available that can help manage cognitive dysfunction in dogs. If you think your pet is becoming senile, let us show you your options.
What are some common signs of disease?
Kidney Disease
Loss of appetite
Increased thirst
Increased urination
Decreased or no urination
Poor hair coat
Sore mouth
Urinary Tract Disease
Increased urination/spotting or "accidents" in the house
Straining to urinate
Blood in urine
Heart Disease
Difficulty breathing
Decreased tolerance of exercise
Decreased appetite
What are some common signs of cancer in pets?
Abdominal swelling
Bleeding from the mouth, nose or other body openings
Difficulty breathing
Difficulty eating
Lumps, bumps or discolored skin
Non-healing wounds
Persistent diarrhea or vomiting
Sudden changes in weight
Unexplained swelling, heat, pain or lameness
Visible mass/tumor
What are some common signs of arthritis in pets?
Favoring a limb
Difficulty sitting or standing
Sleeping more
Seeming to have stiff or sore joints
Hesitancy to jump, run or climb stairs
Weight gain
Decreased activity or interest in play
Attitude or behavior changes (including increased irritability)
Being less alert
How can I help them stay happy and healthy?
Talk to the team at Pet Care about how to care for your older pet and be prepared for possible age-related health issues.

Increased veterinary care
Weight Control
Parasite Control